Hello GALS!
Please see the information attached for the upcoming LPGA event that is being held at the Mississaugua Golf and Country Club from Monday, August 18th to Sunday, August 24th. If you are interested in volunteering for Adopting a Hole for the GALS league please contact Wendy Holmberg. We need 20 dedicated ladies to commit to this initiative in August. Some information below is from Susan Croll who put forth this volunteer opportunity. Thank you Susan!!
The steps are to sign the intent form. Then the next step is to get members registered. We have early bird pricing available until December 13th, (hope it gets extended)
Important: Please ensure that members list ‘Marshals’ as their first committee preference, and the Baseball Club as their organization/club affiliation to ensure proper scheduling of all members on the same hole.
Here is the link to volunteer registration: https://events.trustevent.com/templates/index.cfm?fuseaction=templates.home&eid=4986
Powerpoint presentation can be downloaded at the link below.